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  • Can <servername> in an ARAS URL include a path parameter?

    Authenticating in OAuth 2.0 with Aras RESTful API As per the above document, a valid ARAS server URL is of the pattern " https://<servername>/<web alias>/oauthserver/connect/authorize" In the above pattern, can a valid ARAS server include a path parameter…
  • Authenticating in OAuth 2.0 with Aras RESTful API

    In our previous blogs posts we covered a range of topics on setting up REST calls, including querying part data, adding filters for more complex queries, and calling server-side methods. Since those posts Aras Innovator has changed quite a bit and in…
  • Server Side Methods with the Aras RESTful API

    In previous blog posts, we have covered topics regarding the use of the REST API to request tokens for authentication and querying simple / more complex data . In this blog post, we will dive into server methods as OData actions through a POST request…
  • Aras Rest api wrong filter behavior

    I have a request: .../server/odata/Part?$filter=(id eq '...' or id eq '...') and generation gt 0&$expand=created_by_id. I'm trying to get more then one Part. One of them is an old version of another Part (thats why i'm using ' generation gt 0 ' filter…
  • Rest Api Pagination

    In the Rest Api Document it says " Use the AML attributes pagesize=”1” and page=”1” to limit the number of items returned in the response" but when I put it in my request it gives me 501: Not Implemented error .My query looks like this localhost/.../Part…
  • How can I get the entire list of Item Types by using the RESTful API?

    Hello guys! I'm working in an implementation in which I need to get the list of item types that are available in the Aras application and if possible with their relations, but for my case I need to get this list through the REST API. I also need to…
  • Upload file Rest API using Logic App

    I am currently developing a sample project in Azure Logic Apps using the Aras Restful APIs. However while trying to Execute the vault.UploadFile API I am facing the 500 error message: The Rest API Call Details are as follows : { "uri" : "…
  • ARAS RESTful API: How do I get a list of all generations for a part?

    I'm attempting to get a full part history (14 generations worth) of a part. I know the config_id is a value shared between all 14 parts; however, I can't seem to construct the REST call to return all 14 records using the config_id. I get the config_id…