• Increase the Major_Rev / Revision sequence.

    Hello! I am trying to create a new revision by using the "PE_CreateNewRevision" method and it is throwing this error at me: < faultstring > Failed to version the item: revision sequence exceeded. </ faultstring > Does anyone know where this…
  • Versioning of an Item

    When a different user creates the version of the item ,the creator of the current revision remains same as the first version. In my case I want to change the creator to the person who actually created it.How to achieve it ? AnyBody?
  • how to edit latest generation of old revision?

    is that possible to edit the latest generation of the old Rev, say we have A.1,A.2,A.3, B.1,B.2,B.3.. we are looking to edit A.3 and B.3. By OOTB editing old Revision has been disabled.