• Need Guidance: Prevent On Close Server Event to get called when there is Error (when voting) and the CM Activity is not Closed?

    Hello All, I'm creating a server-side method that sends an email to the Change Leader. It gets invoked " on close " in association with a Change Management workflow activity. The email should be sent only when the activity is closed, and the workflow…
  • How to get previous property value in "OnAfterChange"? / How to pass value from "OnBeforeChange" to "OnAfterChange"?

    I have an item on the server where I can set a property. When the property changes, I want to have some logic (related items to be created). I currently have the code for this in the "OnBeforeChange" event method, but this doesn't work for new items…
  • Capturing Edit Events for Non-Versioned Items

    Is it possible to capture the edit/done event of an item that is not versioned? For example, for itemType Manufacturer, which is set to not versioned, I want to capture the event when the Manufacturer name changes, preferably when Done is clicked. I…
  • client side method to add days for a date return aN/aN/NaN when the browser is in Italian language

    Hi, I created new item type which have properties like first_delivery_date (date), total_number_of _orders(int), frequency(int), frequency_list(list)(values: Days, weeks, months), delivery_date_of_each_delivery(text). I wrote a client side method in…
  • Hiding/showing columns in relationship grid based on field values

    How can I hide/show columns in the relationship grid based on the changes in the dropdown box of the parent form?
  • Get beforeupdate Relationships value from parent item

    there is a item name -Part and it has relation -Part_relation there are a date field and name field in Part_relation when user update , I want to check the field'value Cannot be earlier than Today When encountering an error, I will return inn…
  • Create event for property update

    Hello, I am new to ARAS development, but not new in development :) Trying to understand the ARAS development structure. Right now I am stuck in one implementation on CAD Document property - I want to get the full file path chose as a Native File - Also…
  • Getting an item property in onChangedCell from a recently created relationship vs existing relationship

    I'm running a method on the property event "onChangedCell". When the method is called on a newly created related item, the following statement successfully get's the property: var my_item = parent.item.querySelector("#" + relatedID); var my_property…
  • JS event when ECO form is saved?

    Hi, Is it possible to listen to some kind of event to know when the ECO form has been saved? I have an HTML field in the ECO form, where I have put a <script> tag with JavaScript code within. I want that code to execute again after the form has been…