saving an item programatically after locking it

Hello All,

I have created an itemtype "ItemOne" with Form that conyain a field "fieldTest".

What i want to do is filling the field when the ticket is locked.

I have created a form event method and assign it to the form with event onFormPopulated:

var lock = document.thisItem.getProperty("locked_by_id", "");

if (lock =='' ){

var field =getFieldByName("fieldTest");

field.getElementsByTagName("input")[0].disabled = false;
field.getElementsByTagName("input")[0].readOnly = false;

else {

var fields =getFieldByName("fieldTest");
fields.getElementsByTagName("input")[0].disabled = true;


The method above allow to fill the fieldTest if the item is locked (value of locked-by-id is emty) otherwise the fiield wiill be disabled.
So when the item is locked, we can fill the fieldTest but the button save is disabled and when i unlock the item and save , Aras considers that the field is not filled, saves the item and leaves the fieldTest empty.

Is there any way please on how to achieve this ?

Parents Reply
  • Hi mouad,

    You can fill the value of these fields by getting the input element and setting the value. This is a very similar process to what you're already using to enable/disable the fields.

    fields.getElementsByTagName("input")[0].value = "Your value";

    Additionally, would you be able to clarify more about the exact use case for this field? Depending on what you're trying to do, I may be able to suggest a better alternative than manually handling all of the functionality behind this field.


  • Hi Chris,

    Let me elaborate more,

    when i want to create or modify an item already created  i need to fill in the fieldTest field manually, but when the item is locked we cannot fill in this field with a text because it will be deactivated, whereas the item must be unlocked  so that 'we can fill in the fieldTest.
    what I want to do exacly is fill this field when the item is locked then since this field is deactivated in this case I make it activated by disabled = false and readOnly = false for the filled and when the item is unlocked I deactivate this field by disabled = true.