Cannot login to formerly working local v12

I got my answer from Minerva. This was due to an update in Chrome and that was not apparent to me, so posting.

BTW, how would one sign up to receive these notifications from Aras?


Aras Support is sending you this support bulletin as a regarding the upcoming changes to the Google Chrome browser.
Google Chrome
Google will be deploying an automatic update to the Chrome browser versions 80 and higher on 2020-02-17.
This update will change the SameSite policy used in the browser configuration.
When this update is pushed, login to the Aras Innovator system could be blocked.
For more information on the Google changes see the following:
Affected Versions:
Aras Innovator 11 (All service packs)
Aras Innovator 12 (All service packs)

User will report a failure to log in using the Chrome browser and login page may fail to load or load with errors.
Option 1:
Use FireFox ESR, or Edge browser.
Other browsers will eventually be updating to have the same security changes, so this workaround will not be permanent.
Option 2:
Reset the SameSite flags to a previous state in the browser.
1) Open the Chrome Browser
2) Input the following URL
3) Change the “SameSite by default cookies” value to “Disabled”
4) Input the following URL
5) Change the “Cookies without SameSite must be secure” value to “Disabled”
NOTE: This is not recommended, but if your Aras Innovator instance is not running with an HTTPS connection for Aras Innovator URLS, then it will be required.  It can be a quick fix, but Option 3 should be evaluated after the users are working.
Option 3:
Configure your Aras Innovator instance with HTTPS and update the servers to work with these new settings:
Aras Innovator 12
First, if your Aras Innovator Instance is using a customization for external authentication protocol (E,g, SAML or OpenID Connect) AND the OAuth Server and Innovator Servers are running under serperate URL hostnames, then you will need to contact Aras Support for additional instructions at[email protected]
Second, all other instances of Aras Innovator will need the following changes:
1) Upgrade the application servers with the latest release of Windows .NET Core to the current release
a. ( preferred when released)
2) Configure all URLs with HTTPS
3) Edit the following file in the OAuth Server:
a. OAuthServer\Bin\Aras.OAuth.Server.runtimeconfig.json
4) Set the SuppressSameSiteNone value to “true”
"configProperties": {
    "Microsoft.AspNetCore.SuppressSameSiteNone": true
Aras Innovator 11
First, if you are not using a custom external authentication protocol (E,g, SAML or ADFS), then no action is required.
Second, if your Aras Innovator Instance is using a customization for external authentication protocol (E,g, SAML or ADFS) AND the OAuth Server and Innovator Servers are running under separate URL hostnames, then you will need to do the following:
1) Install Windows Updates for SameSite
2) Configure all URLs with HTTPS
3) Edit the following in the Innovator Server
a. \Innovator\Server\Web.config
b. Add the following to the <system.web> tag
<sessionState cookieSameSite="None" />
<httpCookies requireSSL="true" />
4) Edit the following in the Innovator Server
a. \Innovator\Client\Web.config
b. Add the following to the <system.web> tag
<sessionState cookieSameSite="None" />
<httpCookies requireSSL="true" />
Target Resolution:
Aras will be making updates to the Aras Innovator 12.0 SP6 and SP7 releases to automate some of the configuration changes required.  However, long term, all Aras Innovator instances will require HTTPS URLs to avoid this issue at a minimum.
If you have any questions, please feel free to direct them to Aras Support at[email protected].
William Turner
