Update all generation of an object at once with AML

Hi community,

I am trying to modify a property on all the generation of an item.

Thus I am trying to merge those two requests

1) Modify the latest generation without changing the generation :

  <Item action='merge' type='Part' where="[Part].item_number='1234'" version='0'>

2) get all generation

    <Item action='get' type='Part'>
      <generation condition='ge'>0</generation>

Thus I tried something like

  <Item action='merge' type='Part' where="[Part].item_number='1234' and [Part].generation>'0'" version='0'>

But I can not find how to make it work.

I will try to use the config id or swith to sql query... It's for a datamodel modification and be done one time thus it could be ok.



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