Show form on promote


Usecase is as follows

need to validate field on promote if case of failure need to popup form(existing) and capture user input.

for validation, i tried with pre server method on lifecycle but popping up form not possible from server method. 

Is there a way to achieve this?

Any suggestion/work around would really help


  • Hi ArG,

    You wouldn't have access to the form through a lifecycle since a server side method (required) would not be able to communicate with the client (which can call a popup action). You also would not be able to use a client method, as a replacement, since the pre method requires a server method.

    However, a workaround solution to this could be using the newError() method that returns a popup containing a string you can specify. This way if the user misses a field for a example, you can display this popup and require the field be completed in order for anything to be applied to the server.



  • Hi Nithin,

    Thanks for reply.

    I understand that  client can't be called from server. but usecase is to show modal dialog to capture user comment. It is not popup actually. correction in question Slight smile

    I am trying to modify javascript code present for on click of promote button, so that i can show required form based on my validation. Any idea on this ?


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