Installation error after Package Import

Hi folks ,

I am using Aras innovator 11SP15  in a cloned repository on my computer  ,

I 've tried to export existing components from an old database to this repository using the Export.exe application and I staged these

components into the existing repository using the SourceTree , then I runned the script  " .\SetupInnovatorHere.bat " to reinstall the  software

with the exported elements .

but it always displays the following error

<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="">"><SOAP-ENV:Body><SOAP-ENV:Fault xmlns:af="'objet 'secured.Project_Task'">><faultstring><![CDATA[L'objet 'secured.Project_Task' est introuvable ou vous ne disposez pas de l'autorisation nécessaire. in SQL:

EXEC sp_refreshsqlmodule 'secured.Workflow_Task'
EXEC sp_refreshsqlmodule 'secured.Project_Task'
EXEC sp_refreshsqlmodule 'secured.Inbasket_Task'
-- Return empty result to the Innovator server because result is required by the server, otherwise an error will be thrown.

it seems that there is a missing module or privilege ( I runned the power Shell as administrator ).

does anyone have an idea about this error ???

thank you in advance .

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