Can I customize Tree Grid View input XML



Question about Tree Grid View/method functionality. I'm are creating some kind of tree (for example Part BOM) & data comparison tool. I'm utilizing Query builder and I have 2 different query results in my method at hand.


And now we are planning how to visualize the comparison results to the user. One idea was to utilize Tree Grid View which would fit well in our plans in many levels, but is it customizable enough is the big question.


Can I somehow feed or get TGV to read my results? Can I somehow use CSS or modify how TGV could show the results (for example I want to use colors to show the differences between structures & data)?


Or is it so the TGV always need's direct results from Query Builder? And the XML it's eating cannot be changed - or are they way to modify it?


Or are there any other ways to do it? I believe this is not unique problem.


I'm using query builder similarly like in: And I'm utilizing Form Dialogues currently to ask from user what to compare.




Jukka Lehtinen