Error " There is no tag in response. "

Hi ,
I am trying to edit an ItemType "EDM StructureDocument" which is derived from a polyItem using a server event  "onAfterAdd" .

with an implemented C# method :

* History
* Version Date Name Comment
* 1.1 09-September-2019 Hamdi Kendil Generate the ID for the current EDM Structure Document using the Server Event onAfterAdd
* Story: EDM-5: Create a new Document
* Purpose: Generate the EDM Structure Document ID
* Usage: EDM Structure Document
* Event: onAfterAdd


//Obtain the Innovator instance from the Context Item
Innovator inn = this.getInnovator();

//long MaxItemNumber = 9999999999 ;

//Get the ItemList of EDM StructureDocument ItemType
Item results = inn.newItem("EDM StructureDocument", "get");
results = results.apply();

//Calculate the number of the EDM Part instances
long count = results.getItemCount();

if(count <= MaxItemNumber){
//Get the hexa id of the current EDM Part item
string id = "'" + this.getID() + "'";

//Compute a new id of the current EDM Part item
string edmId = "";
string itemNumber = count.ToString();
int len = itemNumber.Length;
int maxIndex = 10 - len;
for (var index = 0; index < maxIndex; index++) {
edmId += "0";
edmId += itemNumber;

//Set the current item id with the determined value
Item myItem = inn.newItem("EDM StructureDocument", "edit");
string request = "id=" + id;
myItem.setAttribute("where", request);
myItem.setProperty("edm_doku_id", edmId);

return myItem.apply();
} else {
return inn.newError("Error Creating a new EDM Document , the Number of Documents is Maximal");

When I try to save the new created Item, it gives me following error :

There is no tag <Item> in response. 

 <faultstring>There is no tag <Item> in response.</faultstring>
 <af:legacy_detail>There is no tag <Item> in response.</af:legacy_detail>
 <af:exception message =" There is no tag <Item> in response. " type =" Aras.Server.Core.TagItemIsNotFoundInResponseException " />

Can anyone explain me the cause of this error , or provide me a document that can help me solving the issue such as the Aras exceptions details .

Please .

Thanks in advance 

Parents Reply
  • Hi Hamdi,

    before applying myItem, could you check what its AML representation looks like and post it here? In addition, it would help to know what myItem.apply() looks like as well (I'm assuming it is some error/exception container).

    Also, for the action "edit" you will need either an ID on the item or a valid where-clause. When you comment out the where-clause, myItem.apply() should return a container for a MissingCriteriaException.


