Possible to change the style of a "Formatted text" in a form?


Is it possible to remove the "border" around the formatted text field. I can change background colors and so on but i havent found any way to remove the "border"!

I use it for hyperlinks to documents outside ARAS and want only the hyperlinks to be visible not the border.


  • Hi Fred,

    You can add field-specific css under the Field CSS tab of the Form Editor. Typically any CSS here will be applied to the container element that holds the input and label, but what you're looking for is to remove the border of the text field itself. To do this, you can add some specially formatted CSS like below.

    {$this field rule} span {
        border-width: 0 !important;

    Using {$this field rule} allows you to apply CSS to the child elements of the field instead of the container. Formatted text fields use a <span/> element to draw the border, so all I've done here is set the border-width any <span/> elements in my field to 0 so that they are effectively hidden.


    Christopher Gillis

    Aras Labs Software Engineer 

  • Hi Christopher,

    What child element is used to apply CSS on a Field Type Dropdown if I want to change border radius etc?

    {$this field rule} xxx {
        border-radius: 2px; 


    Thanks in advance!


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