Relation and versioning


I have an ItemType STUDY with a property (type=Item) pointing on an ItemType CONTEXT.
The CONTEXT is versionable and has a simple lifecycle WIP => REL.

I would like that:

  1. When the relation is created, the STUDY is pointing on the last version/generation of the CONTEXT
  2. When the CONTEXT is modified (same version), the STUDY is pointing on the last version/generation of the CONTEXT
  3. When the CONTEXT is released (LF set to REL), then all STUDIES are now fixed on this version/generation

To do that:

  • I set the "Item behavior" of the property to "Float"
  • On the LifeCycle, I set the ""Item behavior" of the state "REL" to "Fixed"

But, the point (3) of my expectations doesn't work, if I create a new version, the study is pointing now of this new version.

What should I do?