Bad performances due to bad AML request done by ARAS

I found a bug in ARAS 11SP4.
Here are all the information to reproduce it.
In my data model, I have an ItemType named CAWB_Study with a relationship without related named CAWB_Study_Cost.
On the CAWB_Study_Cost, I have a foreign attribute name "_study" pointing on the name of the Study (source_id._name).
The CAWB_Study_Cost table is published in "Contents".
When, I do a filter from the "Cost" tab of the parent study, the following AML is launched by ARAS:
<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="">" >
<Item type="CAWB_Study_Cost" action="get" page="1" pagesize="20" returnMode="itemsOnly" select="_avg_hr,_cluster,_context,_cost_inv,_costing_availability,_dol_per_kg,_family,_inaccuracy,_lod,_material,_part_name,_path,_preferred,_process,_quantity,_scope,_size,_sp_labor_nominal,_sp_labor_nominal_computed,_sp_material_nominal,_sp_material_nominal_computed,_sp_total_nominal,_sp_total_nominal_computed,_sp_total_with_quantity,_status,_total_labor,_total_labor_with_quantity,_type,source_id,created_by_id,created_on,modified_by_id,modified_on,locked_by_id,major_rev,css,current_state,keyed_name,source_id">
<_part_name condition="eq">E53S7409800200</_part_name>
<source_id condition="eq">F4D2282200A743B48802567D66CC86D7</source_id>
This is good.
When the same filter is done from Content / "Costs", the following AML is launched by ARAS:
<Item type="CAWB_Study_Cost" action="get" page="1" select="_avg_hr,_cluster,_context,_cost_inv,_costing_availability,_dol_per_kg,_family,_inaccuracy,_lod,_material,_part_name,_path,_preferred,_process,_quantity,_scope,_size,_sp_labor_nominal,_sp_material_nominal,_sp_total_nominal,_sp_total_with_quantity,_status,_total_labor,_total_labor_with_quantity,_type,source_id,created_by_id,created_on,modified_by_id,modified_on,locked_by_id,major_rev,css,current_state,keyed_name,source_id" pagesize="20" maxRecords="" returnMode="itemsOnly">
<Item type="CAWB_Study" action="get">
<keyed_name condition="eq">SMI20190809</keyed_name>
<_part_name condition="eq">E53S7409800200</_part_name>
The AML order is not the same but give the same result.
The problem is that the result returned by the server is MUCH MUCH MUCH BIGGER because this AML returns the CAWB_Study for each CAW_Study_Cost returned (and CAWB_Study is a big object).
This is causing performances issue.
This could be solved by doing this in ARAS:
<Item type="CAWB_Study_Cost" action="get" page="1" select="_avg_hr,_cluster,_context,_cost_inv,_costing_availability,_dol_per_kg,_family,_inaccuracy,_lod,_material,_part_name,_path,_preferred,_process,_quantity,_scope,_size,_sp_labor_nominal,_sp_material_nominal,_sp_total_nominal,_sp_total_with_quantity,_status,_total_labor,_total_labor_with_quantity,_type,source_id,created_by_id,created_on,modified_by_id,modified_on,locked_by_id,major_rev,css,current_state,keyed_name,source_id" pagesize="20" maxRecords="" returnMode="itemsOnly">
<Item type="CAWB_Study" action="get" select="id">
<keyed_name condition="eq">SMI20190809</keyed_name>
<_part_name condition="eq">E53S7409800200</_part_name>
Do you know a workaround?
  • Hi,

    I sent this question to ARAS support to.

    Here is the answer:



    I have filed SI-017267 to review this request. I am able to reproduce the criteria you are describing; it is run for any property of type Item which is searched on in simple search mode.

    I will look into possible options to change this behavior and follow-up with you by the end of the week.




    Thank you ARAS for taking it into account.


  • Hi,

    I sent this question to ARAS support to.

    Here is the answer:



    I have filed SI-017267 to review this request. I am able to reproduce the criteria you are describing; it is run for any property of type Item which is searched on in simple search mode.

    I will look into possible options to change this behavior and follow-up with you by the end of the week.




    Thank you ARAS for taking it into account.


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