Method for event OnAfterUnlock

I want to promote an Item state when user unlock it.

I create a simple LifeCycle: "New"-->"Released"

I habe write this method on the server event "OnAfterUnlock":

Innovator inn=this.getInnovator();

string itemnumber = this.getProperty("item_number");
string state=this.getProperty("state","");

if ( state != "Released" ){
CCO.Utilities.WriteDebug("IP_ScadDocsPromote","Item = "+itemnumber +" State = " + state);

return this;

But it doesn't work. The log IP_ScadDocsPromote show me that the variables "itemnumber" and "state" are blank.

Thanks for your help.

  • Hi

    onAfterUnlock action will have info about the ID and Type of the item type. We need to fetch information again to get the item number and state information.

    // First Line is a debugger. You can debug server methods. Please have look at

    // if (System.Diagnostics.Debugger.Launch()) System.Diagnostics.Debugger.Break(); 
    var queryItem = this.newItem(this.getType(), "get");
    queryItem.setAttribute("select", "item_number,state");
    queryItem = queryItem.apply();
    if (!queryItem.isError())
    string itemnumber = queryItem.getProperty("item_number");
    string state= queryItem.getProperty("state","");
    if ( state != "Released" )
    CCO.Utilities.WriteDebug("IP_ScadDocsPromote","Item = "+itemnumber +" State = " + state);
    return this;

    Thank You


  • Hi

    onAfterUnlock action will have info about the ID and Type of the item type. We need to fetch information again to get the item number and state information.

    // First Line is a debugger. You can debug server methods. Please have look at

    // if (System.Diagnostics.Debugger.Launch()) System.Diagnostics.Debugger.Break(); 
    var queryItem = this.newItem(this.getType(), "get");
    queryItem.setAttribute("select", "item_number,state");
    queryItem = queryItem.apply();
    if (!queryItem.isError())
    string itemnumber = queryItem.getProperty("item_number");
    string state= queryItem.getProperty("state","");
    if ( state != "Released" )
    CCO.Utilities.WriteDebug("IP_ScadDocsPromote","Item = "+itemnumber +" State = " + state);
    return this;

    Thank You

