How can I catch onSaveCommand End event. So when the items have been saved

As per title

How can I catch onSaveCommand "End" event. So when the items have been successfully saved.

Thank you for your help!

  • Cool that you were able to find a solution! I didn´t know the registerCommandEventHandler.

    The onAfterUpdate event I suggested is a server event that you can add in your ItemType. An Update is normally triggered when a user changes and saves something, so it can be used as some kind as onSaveCommand.

    If your are a subscriber, there is additional documentation available that show a lot of examples about the various events. But you do not necessarily need it. I worked without it 3 years. You can also take a look at the programmers guide, this one is free available. 

  • Cool that you were able to find a solution! I didn´t know the registerCommandEventHandler.

    The onAfterUpdate event I suggested is a server event that you can add in your ItemType. An Update is normally triggered when a user changes and saves something, so it can be used as some kind as onSaveCommand.

    If your are a subscriber, there is additional documentation available that show a lot of examples about the various events. But you do not necessarily need it. I worked without it 3 years. You can also take a look at the programmers guide, this one is free available. 
