Get parent form field value with javascript

From javascript fired from relationship grid, how to get the value of a field in the parent form? parent.thisItem.getItemById("X"); top.aras.getItemById("X"); getFieldByName("X").getElementsByTagName("input")[0].value;
  • Hi bdc604, You should be able to access the parent item's properties like this:
    var parentItem = parent.thisItem;
    var value = parentItem.getProperty("item_number","")
    Eli Donahue Aras Labs Software Engineer
  • nice, thank you. is there a trick to get the reverse (setProperty) to work as well? var parentItem = parent.thisItem; parentItem.setProperty("item_number","123")
  • Still trying to figure this out, any suggestions for setting parent form input fields from javascript triggered by relationship grid? parent.document.getElementById('item_number').value = "123";
  • Hi bdc604, Something like this may work for you. I tested it in 11 SP12, so you may see different behavior if you're using an older version of Innovator.
    var parentItem = parent.thisItem;
    if (parentItem.fetchLockStatus() == "1")
        // get form context
        var instanceFrame = parent.parent.document.getElementById("instance");
    	if (instanceFrame && instanceFrame.contentWindow) {
    		instanceFrame = instanceFrame.contentWindow;
        // update the parent property in cache
        if (instanceFrame.handleItemChange) {
        alert("Parent is not locked, or is locked by another user.");
    Note that this updates the item in cache, not the server. If the user wants to save the changes to the server, they'll need to click "Save". If you want to automatically save the changes to the parent and refresh the form, you can do something like this:
    var parentItem = parent.thisItem;
    if (parentItem.fetchLockStatus() == "1")
        parentItem = parentItem.apply();
        aras.uiReShowItemEx(parentItem.getID(), parentItem.node);
    else if (parentItem.fetchLockStatus() == "0")
        // lock and update the parent or warn user
        alert("Parent is not locked. Please lock.");
        alert("Parent is locked by another user or cannot be locked.");
    Eli Donahue Aras Labs Software Engineer
  • Good examples for writing to cache or ARAS database, got both working. Still confused how to simply change the value of a field on the parent form (not cache or database). example: parent.document.getElementById("item_number").value = "123";
  • Hello, The data in the form is stored inside of an <iframe>, so you will not be able to access the fields on the form without first entering the context of that <iframe> like Eli did in his example where he first referenced the instanceFrame before calling the handleItemChange. The code sample below should allow you to update the value of the field without writing the value to the cache or to the database.
    var itemNumberElements = parent.frames["instance"].contentDocument.getElementsByName("item_number");
    // Both the parent <div> of the field as well as the <input> we want share the same name,
    // so we will loop through them and only update the value of the input
    itemNumberElements.forEach(function(node) {
    if (node.nodeName === "INPUT") {
    node.value = "123";
    Christopher Gillis Aras Labs Software Engineer
  • Quick note: The "contentDocument" object only exists when using Chrome. You can use this instead to support Chrome, IE, and FF:
    // Get the parent form
    var parent_form = parent.parent.document.getElementById("instance");
    if (parent_form && parent_form.contentWindow)
    parent_form = parent_form.contentWindow.document;
    // Get the field and set the value. Use <tag_name>.<property_name> for the query selector.
    var field = parent_form.querySelector("input.item_number");
    field.value = "123";
  • Hi Eli,

    We have similar situation where relationship grid js code update parent data and apply them. The code above works perfectly however our parent is versionable and on edit new generation of parent item is made. 

    So when we use code:

       aras.uiReShowItemEx(parentItem.getID(), parentItem.node);

    old tab with old generation is still open plus new tab is created with new generation.

    Is any way to avoid this and just refresh parent form?