Multiple Errors: DoPhysicalFiles - -

When I try to delete a file, I get the error "Multiple Errors: DoPhysicalFiles - - " I believe the probable cause of this is because the physical file has been removed, header is still sat in the "File" TOC in admin. How can I overcome this problem?  I have 2000+ files to delete, but I do not know how to check if the physical file exists before trying to delete.   Many thanks, Martin.
  • Hi Angela, On the live server all the files are present and can be accessed, on the test server the vault was not copied across.  This means I can only delete files that have been added to the test server. I want to test a piece of code that deletes a file, but if the file is not present I get an an exception after the code has run. It appears that the File has an onBeforeDelete event that runs an internal method.  This runs after the file meta-data has been deleted, ie try{} catch{} does not catch the exception. Thus I want to be able to detect if the file is present before trying to delete it I have read that I can use request - response to detect if a file exists at a URL, but I don't know how to get the URL to check.  I have tried to copy the link, but the page always succeeds as this takes me to the ARAS Log-in page. see
  • Hi Angela, On the live server all the files are present and can be accessed, on the test server the vault was not copied across.  This means I can only delete files that have been added to the test server. I want to test a piece of code that deletes a file, but if the file is not present I get an an exception after the code has run. It appears that the File has an onBeforeDelete event that runs an internal method.  This runs after the file meta-data has been deleted, ie try{} catch{} does not catch the exception. Thus I want to be able to detect if the file is present before trying to delete it I have read that I can use request - response to detect if a file exists at a URL, but I don't know how to get the URL to check.  I have tried to copy the link, but the page always succeeds as this takes me to the ARAS Log-in page. see
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