How to configure Aras 12 restful api as simple as Aras 11

RestFul api on Aras 11 just need USERNAME, PASSWORD, DATABASE

But in Aras 12, we need to request token, then AUTHORIZATION + USERNAME, PASSWORD, DATABASE

With postman it doesn't matter but with my other system it doesn't work

How to configure Aras 12 restful api as simple as Aras 11?

  • Hi DucTran,

    not sure if it´s possible to replicate Aras 11 authentication.

    In my case I had to rewrite the affected tools to first get the request token and then do the connection.

    Things are more or less easy to solve in Jira. For custom .NET projects you can take a look at the Aras Labs sample projects on Github. 

    But maybe ask Aras if they know more!
