SSVC email message contains incorrect item URL - how to modify?

Hello all,

I am currently testing SSVC email notifications and notice they are showing the wrong URL for the Item link, using 'localhost' as the prefix. I have checked all my configuration files and do not appear to be using localhost anywhere. Where is the email notification pulling this value from and/or how can I modify the format? The email message template doesn't have a typical query string and shows the following:

<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" id="templateContainer" style="font-family: Arial,​Helvetica,​sans-serif; max-width: 600px">
    <tbody style="max-width: inherit;">
            <td style="border-bottom: 1px solid #d4d4d4; padding-bottom: 10px; color: #444444">{NotificationDescription}</td>

Any help is appreciated. Our version is Innovator 12 SP14.

Parents Reply Children
  • SSVC notifications should reuse some of the AgentService/Conversion server settings. Relevant files can be:

    - ConversionServiceConfig.xml
    - conversion.config
    - Aras.Server.Agent.Service.exe
    - Maybe OAuthServer.config
    - Maybe InnovatorServerConfig.xml
    - Maybe InnovatorServiceConfig.xml (but unlikely)

    And of course you might have to restart the related "Aras Innovator Agent" Service and maybe IIS to make the changes active.

    You probably have a subscription! Why don´t you ask Aras support? Should be an easy question to them, cause setting up ConversionServer is a daily task for them.

  • Yes I have done all of that! I hadn’t posted to the forums yet and figured this might be a quick one to solve, but will certainly be taking this to support if not. Your posts around here have been very valuable btw, thank you!