How can I find orphaned files in the Vault?

Hi, I want to track the amount of Files that are not related to a Document or Change Processes anymore. I noticed that these unrelated files are somehow assigned to the SystemFileContainer Orphaned Files Container. SystemFielContainer is used as PolySource in FileContainerItems. But I have some trouble to find the right query, to detect all of my orphaned Files. Does somebody have an example query for finding orphaned files? Or maybe just some hints, how these different ItemTypes stick together? Thanks and best regards! Angela
Parents Reply
  • Hi Mithun,

    This is a separate question from the one Angela originally asked. Could you create a new forum post to ask this? It'll help increase visibility to the whole community, so you can get an answer faster.

    Additionally, could you elaborate on what you mean by an "orphaned Part" when you create that new post? Do you mean a Part hat is not classified as an Assembly and is also not related to any other Parts?

