TgvGrids vs. TreeGridViews - What is the difference and which one is intended to be used?

Hi community,

this question is about TreeGridViews and the display of TGV data in Forms, popups, relationship grid or whatever.

Right now there are two files inside Innovator that are commonly used to display TGV data:

- ../aras.innovator.TreeGridView/Views/MainPage.html

- ../scripts/TgvGrids/Tab.html

Does anyone know more about the second one (TgvGrids)? I tried to use this display option cause it seemed to be a bit more lightweight than a full regular TreeGridView. But only at the first glance.

After taking a deeper look,  TgvGrids seemed to be used by Aras for update purpose to replace the previous ReverseItemsGrid technique. But this concept seem to require a duplicated helper ItemType that then federates the data into the view. So the result looks more lightweight, but the overall building technique required is the complete opposite.

Has anyone used TgvGrids/Tab.html without the full federation detour and can give some tips? E.g. where do I specify my start item? Or is TgvGrids just meant for update purposes?

Thanks again!
