How to call a client method from another client method?

Hello everybody.

I have several client methods which are sharing some common code. I would like to put that code in a method, and call that method from the other methods, everything is client side. How can I do that?

  • So, I finally found this:

     * Method to evaluate JavaScript stored as a Method item on the client side.
     * @param {string} methodName the name of the Method item
     * @param {Object} itemDom the item dom
     * @param {Object} [addArgs] Object with any additional parameters.
    Aras.prototype.evalItemMethod = function Aras_evalItemMethod(methodName, itemDom, addArgs)

    And indeed I am able to call a method when giving it the good methodName. Then, from the other methods, I can access the addArgs array with arguments[1].

  • So, I finally found this:

     * Method to evaluate JavaScript stored as a Method item on the client side.
     * @param {string} methodName the name of the Method item
     * @param {Object} itemDom the item dom
     * @param {Object} [addArgs] Object with any additional parameters.
    Aras.prototype.evalItemMethod = function Aras_evalItemMethod(methodName, itemDom, addArgs)

    And indeed I am able to call a method when giving it the good methodName. Then, from the other methods, I can access the addArgs array with arguments[1].

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