Auth in Aras 12

Hello guys

We have an mvc C# app and we use IOM to connect to aras.

Has anyone tried the "old" way connecting via var conn = IomFactory.CreateWinAuthHttpServerConnection(url, db); and got it successfully working on production environment? It's not working for me the impersonation does not work. The app cannot log in, but if im in my dev environment using IIS express everything is fine user is found and logs in.

Best regards

Parents Reply
  • Hello I tried 12 sp2, 12sp5, 12sp10 (to my recollection all have same issue).

    Currently using aras 12 sp10.

    Yes standard connection (windows auth is i hope also standard connection) doesnt require impersonation since you're logging with specific user not windows identity.

    On Aras 11, the impersonation works. Im at a loss here I simply cant find where the impersonation fails but only with iom - I am assuming the issue is the IdentityServer not the IOM itself.

    The workflows for auth should be more described in the docs i think
