Increase the Major_Rev / Revision sequence.

I am trying to create a new revision by using the "PE_CreateNewRevision" method and it is throwing this error at me:
<faultstring>Failed to version the item: revision sequence exceeded.</faultstring>
Does anyone know where this List/Sequence is located so I can increase its limit? It looks like it currently maxes out at 'AZ'
Parents Reply
  • Log into Innovator with Admin rights
    Under the TOC expand Administrator
    Find the Revision Itemtype (if you don't see it you will have to add it to the TOC)
    Search Revisions (Should bring up 'Default')
    Open and Edit 'Default' Itemtype
    In the 'Revisions' textbox append to the list of existing revision numbers that you wish to have.
    Save Lock and Close

    Should now be able to revision past 'Z'
