Technical Documentation - Adding External content to another document with automatic renumbering of chapters and Sections

Dear all,

I have created many chapters and sections and stored them as External document. These chapter and section documents have numbering which starts with 1.

Finally I am using these chapters and sections in another document by using add->External option.

I wanted the chapter and section numbering to get aligned and renumbered based on the destination document.

Currently, when I insert the content (add->External), in the destination document, I am seeing each document getting inserted with Chapter and Section numbering as 1 and 1.1.

I want 1, 1.1 and 2, 2.1, etc.....

I don't know how to achieve this.

Please help.

  • Thanks for the insights! We use an similar setup for using a many external content as possible. In my case I only use multi-level "Sections"  so I am not sure if my solution will work for you the same way.

    This one in your CSS is strange:

    .Chapter .Chapter, .Chapter .Section, .Section .Section, .Sub-Section .Sub-Section, .Section .Sub-Section, .Section .Chapter, .Sub-Section .Section {
    counter-reset: sectionNum;

    You reset the counter for "Chapter->Section", but also for "Section->Chapter". I would leave ".Section .Chapter" away. And ".Sub-Section .Section" also. I am not 100% sure. But for me it looks like you freely allow mixing the structures. And than you are surprised that your counter feels lost :-). 

    The main reason why I don´t use chapters and sub-sections is simply that it´s confused me too many times. You can achieve the same results without them. This way don´t have to take care for their "name", but only for their "levels".

    Some off topic questions:

    1. I see that you use Abbreviations. Is this something users fill manually or is this one automated? I plan to build an add-on where users can mark certain works and then the List of abbreviations will be filled AND completed with the explaining texts automatically. 

    2. Do you use custom tables? The standard tables are to complicated to use from my POV. Made some drafts to make it more end-user friendly, but haven´t finished it yet.

    Maybe we can exchange a few ideas outside this forum. The current discussion shows mainly code that is included by Aras samples. But I don´t want to share high-custom stuff with the "community of thieves".