Creating dynamic list failed! ERROR: "property 'setState' of undefined"

Hello dear all,

I'm very new to ARAS!

I'm using ARAS V11SP14 and ...

trying to create a dynamic list, which will be filled with articles.  The code is from the Programmers Guide 12.0  "7.32 How to Create a Dynamic List" (after small modifications):


var inn = aras.IomInnovator;
var dropdown = inn.getItemById("LIST", "29D876DB477243D6AB00C96466CE240C");
var list = inn.newItem("List", "get");
list.setAttribute("select", "id, keyed_name");
list = list.apply();

listOfTeams = [{
  label: '',
  value: ''

    label: "testtt",
    value: "esttt"

dropdown.component.setState({list: listOfTeams});

return null;


 The Error:

Technical MessageEvent handler failed with message: TypeError: Cannot read property 'setState' of undefined [function onload$user$handler(e) { try { if (onload1(e) === false) return false; } catch (exp) { aras.AlertError(aras.getResource('', 'ui_methods_ex.event_handler_failed'), aras.getResource('', 'ui_methods_ex.event_handler_failure_msg', exp.description ? exp.description : (exp + ' [' +arguments.callee.toString()+ ']')), aras.getResource('','common.client_side_err')); return false; } }]
Stack TraceClient Side Error
I have no ideas how to fix it and cant find a solution in the forum as well!
Thanks in advance!