Transferring relationship rows with a C# method


I have a Request for quotation item type with an relationship to Parts. As well as a Purchase Order Item Type also with a relationship to Parts  This allowing users to select the parts that the want on the RFQ and POR. I then created a method that transfers all the form fields from the RFQ to the POR. Now i would like it to include the relationship rows as well (meaning the part rows). So when you trigger the method from the RFQ it should fill in the POR form as well as the Parts relationship. 

Does anyone perhaps have sample code on transferring relationship items to a new forms/item types relationship?



  • Hi Wian le Roux

    You can add below code in your action C# method to copy the relationship from RFQ to POR

    This method will validate whether POR already has that relationship part or not and add if it does not exist.

    To Change in method :

    1. Source ID is hard coded but you need to pass the POR ID which you might have got while copying the RFQ to POR form information.

    2. Validate the relationship names (RFQ Parts and POR Parts - highlighted below)

    HashSet <string> existingPORRel = new HashSet <string> ();
    string sourceId = "DB2B0131FD70498BB456074471382EEA"; // POR ID to which the relationship to be copied
    Item PORRel = this.newItem("POR Parts", "get");
    PORRel.setProperty("source_id", sourceId);
    PORRel.setAttribute("select", "related_id");
    PORRel = PORRel.apply();
    if (!PORRel.isError())
    for (int i = 0; i < PORRel.getItemCount(); i++)
    Item RFQfetchRel = this.fetchRelationships("RFQ Parts");
    Item RFQgetRel = RFQfetchRel.getRelationships("RFQ Parts");
    for (int j = 0; j < RFQgetRel.getItemCount(); j++)
    Item RFQOneItem = RFQgetRel.getItemByIndex(j);
    string relatedId = RFQOneItem.getProperty("related_id");
    if (!existingPORRel.Contains(relatedId))
    Item addPORItem = this.newItem("POR Parts", "add");
    addPORItem.setProperty("source_id", sourceId);
    addPORItem.setProperty("related_id", relatedId);
    addPORItem = addPORItem.apply();
    if (addPORItem.isError())
    return addPORItem;
    return this;

    Thank You

    Gopikrishnan R

  • Hi Gopikrishnan

    Thanks so much for your reply, appreciate it :) 

    This is my main method code to take the RFQ details over to the POR, would it be better to run this as a separate method after the POR has been created or can i just add your code to after the POR is created in my method?

    Innovator myInn = this.getInnovator();

    string thisId = this.getID();
    string thisType = this.getType();

    Item thisItem = myInn.getItemById(thisType, thisId);

    string srcId = thisItem.getProperty("source_id", "");
    Item myRfq = myInn.getItemById("DV_RFQ", srcId);
    if (myRfq == null || myRfq.isError()) {
    return myInn.newError(string.Format("Unable to get RFQ with ID {0}", srcId));

    if (myRfq.fetchLockStatus() != 0) {
    string rfqNum = myRfq.getProperty("item_number", "");
    string lockedBy = myRfq.getPropertyAttribute("locked_by_id", "keyed_name", "?");
    return myInn.newError(string.Format("RFQ {0} is locked by {1}, please unlock an try again", rfqNum, lockedBy));

    // Check we have an attached supplier quotation...
    string suppQuoteFileId = thisItem.getProperty("_supplier_quote_file", "");
    if (suppQuoteFileId == ""){
    return myInn.newError("You must attach a supplier quotation to the RFQ");

    //Creates the New POR

    Item newPoReq = this.newItem("DV_PO_Request", "add");
    newPoReq.setProperty("_sage_vendor_id", thisItem.getRelatedItemID());
    newPoReq.setProperty("_rfq_id", srcId);
    newPoReq.setProperty("_supplier_quote_file", suppQuoteFileId);
    newPoReq.setProperty("name", myRfq.getProperty("name", ""));
    newPoReq.setProperty("description", myRfq.getProperty("description", ""));
    newPoReq = newPoReq.apply();

    if (newPoReq.isError()) return newPoReq;
    string porId = newPoReq.getID();

    // User Aras PLM Identity to promote the RFQ...
    Aras.Server.Security.Identity plmIdentity = Aras.Server.Security.Identity.GetByName("Aras PLM");
    bool PermissionWasSet = Aras.Server.Security.Permissions.GrantIdentity(plmIdentity);

    try {
    string porNum = newPoReq.getProperty("item_number", porId);
    myRfq.promote("Accepted", string.Format("Accepted on PO Request {0}", porNum));
    catch (Exception ex) {
    return myInn.newError(ex.ToString());
    finally {
    // Revoke Aras PLM Identity...
    if (PermissionWasSet) Aras.Server.Security.Permissions.RevokeIdentity(plmIdentity);

    string mySQL = "UPDATE innovator.[DV_RFQ_SUPPLIER] SET [_po_request_id] = '{0}' WHERE [id] = '{1}'";
    myInn.applySQL(string.Format(mySQL, porId, thisId));

    return newPoReq;



  • Hi Wian

    Try below method. I have added my code into your method. Validate the highlighted relationship name before running

    Innovator myInn = this.getInnovator();

    string thisId = this.getID();
    string thisType = this.getType();

    Item thisItem = myInn.getItemById(thisType, thisId);

    string srcId = thisItem.getProperty("source_id", "");
    Item myRfq = myInn.getItemById("DV_RFQ", srcId);
    if (myRfq == null || myRfq.isError()) {
    return myInn.newError(string.Format("Unable to get RFQ with ID {0}", srcId));

    if (myRfq.fetchLockStatus() != 0) {
    string rfqNum = myRfq.getProperty("item_number", "");
    string lockedBy = myRfq.getPropertyAttribute("locked_by_id", "keyed_name", "?");
    return myInn.newError(string.Format("RFQ {0} is locked by {1}, please unlock an try again", rfqNum, lockedBy));

    // Check we have an attached supplier quotation...
    string suppQuoteFileId = thisItem.getProperty("_supplier_quote_file", "");
    if (suppQuoteFileId == ""){
    return myInn.newError("You must attach a supplier quotation to the RFQ");

    //Creates the New POR

    Item newPoReq = this.newItem("DV_PO_Request", "add");
    newPoReq.setProperty("_sage_vendor_id", thisItem.getRelatedItemID());
    newPoReq.setProperty("_rfq_id", srcId);
    newPoReq.setProperty("_supplier_quote_file", suppQuoteFileId);
    newPoReq.setProperty("name", myRfq.getProperty("name", ""));
    newPoReq.setProperty("description", myRfq.getProperty("description", ""));
    newPoReq = newPoReq.apply();

    if (newPoReq.isError()) return newPoReq;
    string porId = newPoReq.getID();

    // Add the relationship - Begin
    HashSet <string> existingPORRel = new HashSet <string> ();
    Item PORRel = this.newItem("POR Parts", "get");
    PORRel.setProperty("source_id", porId);
    PORRel.setAttribute("select", "related_id");
    PORRel = PORRel.apply();
    if (!PORRel.isError())
    for (int i = 0; i < PORRel.getItemCount(); i++)
    Item RFQfetchRel = myRfq.fetchRelationships("RFQ Parts");
    Item RFQgetRel = RFQfetchRel.getRelationships("RFQ Parts");
    for (int j = 0; j < RFQgetRel.getItemCount(); j++)
    Item RFQOneItem = RFQgetRel.getItemByIndex(j);
    string relatedId = RFQOneItem.getProperty("related_id");
    if (!existingPORRel.Contains(relatedId))
    Item addPORItem = this.newItem("POR Parts", "add");
    addPORItem.setProperty("source_id", porId);
    addPORItem.setProperty("related_id", relatedId);
    addPORItem = addPORItem.apply();
    if (addPORItem.isError())
    return addPORItem;

    // Add the relationship - End

    // User Aras PLM Identity to promote the RFQ...
    Aras.Server.Security.Identity plmIdentity = Aras.Server.Security.Identity.GetByName("Aras PLM");
    bool PermissionWasSet = Aras.Server.Security.Permissions.GrantIdentity(plmIdentity);

    try {
    string porNum = newPoReq.getProperty("item_number", porId);
    myRfq.promote("Accepted", string.Format("Accepted on PO Request {0}", porNum));
    catch (Exception ex) {
    return myInn.newError(ex.ToString());
    finally {
    // Revoke Aras PLM Identity...
    if (PermissionWasSet) Aras.Server.Security.Permissions.RevokeIdentity(plmIdentity);

    string mySQL = "UPDATE innovator.[DV_RFQ_SUPPLIER] SET [_po_request_id] = '{0}' WHERE [id] = '{1}'";
    myInn.applySQL(string.Format(mySQL, porId, thisId));

    return newPoReq;

    Thank You

    Gopikrishnan R

  • Hi Gopikrishnan

    Thanks so much for your reply! I have tried the code like that with my relationship names entered (RFQ = DV_RFQ_Line and the POR relationship = DV_PO_Parts) but its seems to still not transfer the relationship items over. The DV_PO_Parts relationship still stays empty. 

    Innovator myInn = this.getInnovator();

    string thisId = this.getID();
    string thisType = this.getType();

    Item thisItem = myInn.getItemById(thisType, thisId);

    string srcId = thisItem.getProperty("source_id", "");
    Item myRfq = myInn.getItemById("DV_RFQ", srcId);
    if (myRfq == null || myRfq.isError()) {
    return myInn.newError(string.Format("Unable to get RFQ with ID {0}", srcId));

    if (myRfq.fetchLockStatus() != 0) {
    string rfqNum = myRfq.getProperty("item_number", "");
    string lockedBy = myRfq.getPropertyAttribute("locked_by_id", "keyed_name", "?");
    return myInn.newError(string.Format("RFQ {0} is locked by {1}, please unlock an try again", rfqNum, lockedBy));

    // Check we have an attached supplier quotation...
    string suppQuoteFileId = thisItem.getProperty("_supplier_quote_file", "");
    if (suppQuoteFileId == ""){
    return myInn.newError("You must attach a supplier quotation to the RFQ");

    Item newPoReq = this.newItem("DV_PO_Request", "add");
    newPoReq.setProperty("_sage_vendor_id", thisItem.getRelatedItemID());
    newPoReq.setProperty("_rfq_id", srcId);
    newPoReq.setProperty("_supplier_quote_file", suppQuoteFileId);
    newPoReq.setProperty("name", myRfq.getProperty("name", ""));
    newPoReq.setProperty("description", myRfq.getProperty("description", ""));
    newPoReq.setProperty("classification", myRfq.getProperty("classification", ""));
    newPoReq.setProperty("owned_by_id", myRfq.getProperty("owned_by_id", ""));
    newPoReq.setProperty("_tandc", myRfq.getProperty("_description", ""));
    newPoReq = newPoReq.apply();

    if (newPoReq.isError()) return newPoReq;
    string porId = newPoReq.getID();

    HashSet <string> existingPORRel = new HashSet <string> ();

    Item PORRel = this.newItem("DV_PO_Parts", "get");
    PORRel.setProperty("source_id", porId);
    PORRel.setAttribute("select", "related_id");
    PORRel = PORRel.apply();
    if (!PORRel.isError())
    for (int i = 0; i < PORRel.getItemCount(); i++)
    Item RFQfetchRel = this.fetchRelationships("DV_RFQ_Line");
    Item RFQgetRel = RFQfetchRel.getRelationships("DV_RFQ_Line");
    for (int j = 0; j < RFQgetRel.getItemCount(); j++)
    Item RFQOneItem = RFQgetRel.getItemByIndex(j);
    string relatedId = RFQOneItem.getProperty("related_id");
    if (!existingPORRel.Contains(relatedId))
    Item addPORItem = this.newItem("DV_PO_Parts", "add");
    addPORItem.setProperty("source_id", porId);
    addPORItem.setProperty("related_id", relatedId);
    addPORItem = addPORItem.apply();
    if (addPORItem.isError())
    return addPORItem;

    // User Aras PLM Identity to promote the RFQ...
    Aras.Server.Security.Identity plmIdentity = Aras.Server.Security.Identity.GetByName("Aras PLM");
    bool PermissionWasSet = Aras.Server.Security.Permissions.GrantIdentity(plmIdentity);

    try {
    string porNum = newPoReq.getProperty("item_number", porId);
    myRfq.promote("Accepted", string.Format("Accepted on PO Request {0}", porNum));
    catch (Exception ex) {
    return myInn.newError(ex.ToString());
    finally {
    // Revoke Aras PLM Identity...
    if (PermissionWasSet) Aras.Server.Security.Permissions.RevokeIdentity(plmIdentity);

    string mySQL = "UPDATE innovator.[DV_RFQ_SUPPLIER] SET [_po_request_id] = '{0}' WHERE [id] = '{1}'";
    myInn.applySQL(string.Format(mySQL, porId, thisId));

    return newPoReq;

    I did realize i forgot to mention im calling this server method from a clientside Javascript below. But i dont think this should affect it as the main RFQ and POR gets pulled.

    var thisId = this.getID();
    var thisType = this.getType();
    var parItem = parent.thisItem;

    // This method refreshes grid...
    var refreshMyGrid = function () {
    if (parent.document.frames.relationships && parent.document.frames.relationships.iframesCollection){
    var iFramesCollection = parent.document.frames.relationships.iframesCollection;

    var thisState = parItem.getProperty("state", "");
    if (thisState != "Submitted") {
    top.aras.AlertError("You can only create a PO Request from state 'Submitted' (current state = '" + thisState + "')");
    return this;

    var relItem = this.getRelatedItem();
    var vendorName = relItem.getProperty("name", "");

    if (top.aras.confirm("Create PO Request using supplier " + vendorName + "?")) {
    var myItem = this.newItem(thisType);
    var newPoReq = myItem.apply("DV_CreatePurchaseRequestSvr");
    if (newPoReq.isError()) {
    return this;
    else {
    top.aras.uiShowItemEx(newPoReq.node, 'tab view', true);

    return this;



  • I also need to add that the Javascript gets run on a relationship of the RFQ called Sage Supplier. Im not sure if this might affect it?