LifeCycle Get History Comment -> Can we retrieve the user input on runtime?

Hi Community,

I have a short question regarding the 'Prompt History Comment' feature that we can use in LIfeCycles.

When we choose "Get Comment = 1" for a LifeCycle Transition, the end user will be asked with a dialog to add some notes why the lifecycle was changed. This is for e.g. useful, when a LifeCycle was Cancelled and user can explain why they cancelled it. The comment than appears in the History of the item.

When my LifeCycle is Cancelled, affected users will get informed by email. It would be helpful if the history comment would be included in the mails. Is it possible to pass the user input to an Email Message? Of course I could make a query for the new history entry, but I want to avoid query on the History, cause it´s quite performance consuming.

Hope anyone has an idea! Thanks for any help!


  • Angela,

    Here is what I use for one of my notifications.  It might not be exactly what you are looking for, but could get you started. 

    I also used this as a starting point Configuring Aras Innovator Email Notifications

    Subject (I had to extend the field length to do this)

    Aras Review Notice - NDR: ${Item[@type="sm_DEMO_NDR"]/item_number}: ${Item[@type="sm_DEMO_NDR"]/title}

    Body HTML

    <p>A New Document Request (NDR) is ready for review.  Please log in to ARAS and navigate to My Innovator/My InBasket to take the appropriate actions.</p>

    <p><b>NDR:  <a href="]/id}”>${Item[@type="sm_DEMO_NDR"]/item_number}</a></b><br/>">

    <b>Title:  </b>${Item[@type="sm_DEMO_NDR"]/title}<br/>
    <b>Due Date:  </b>${Item[@type="sm_DEMO_NDR"]/due_date}<br/>
    <b>Assigned Drafter:  </b>${Item[@type="sm_DEMO_NDR"]/drafter}</p>

    <p><b>Activity:  </b>${Item[@type="Activity"]/name}<br/>
    <b>Instructions:   </b>${Item[@type="Activity"]/message}</p>

    <p><a href=""><b>My InBasket Link</b></a></p>

    <p>Thank you.</p>

    Query String

    <Item type="Activity" id="${Item/ActivityId}" action="get" select="name,message"/>
    <Item type="${Item/@type}" id="${Item/@id}" action="get" select="item_number,title"/>
    <Item type="ItemType" id="${Item/@typeId}" action="get" select="title"/>
  • Angela,

    Here is what I use for one of my notifications.  It might not be exactly what you are looking for, but could get you started. 

    I also used this as a starting point Configuring Aras Innovator Email Notifications

    Subject (I had to extend the field length to do this)

    Aras Review Notice - NDR: ${Item[@type="sm_DEMO_NDR"]/item_number}: ${Item[@type="sm_DEMO_NDR"]/title}

    Body HTML

    <p>A New Document Request (NDR) is ready for review.  Please log in to ARAS and navigate to My Innovator/My InBasket to take the appropriate actions.</p>

    <p><b>NDR:  <a href="]/id}”>${Item[@type="sm_DEMO_NDR"]/item_number}</a></b><br/>">

    <b>Title:  </b>${Item[@type="sm_DEMO_NDR"]/title}<br/>
    <b>Due Date:  </b>${Item[@type="sm_DEMO_NDR"]/due_date}<br/>
    <b>Assigned Drafter:  </b>${Item[@type="sm_DEMO_NDR"]/drafter}</p>

    <p><b>Activity:  </b>${Item[@type="Activity"]/name}<br/>
    <b>Instructions:   </b>${Item[@type="Activity"]/message}</p>

    <p><a href=""><b>My InBasket Link</b></a></p>

    <p>Thank you.</p>

    Query String

    <Item type="Activity" id="${Item/ActivityId}" action="get" select="name,message"/>
    <Item type="${Item/@type}" id="${Item/@id}" action="get" select="item_number,title"/>
    <Item type="ItemType" id="${Item/@typeId}" action="get" select="title"/>
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