Mouse Over Help Problem

Good day all.  I was looking at the Mouse Over Help project.  I copied the script into a method, but when I run it there is an event handler error "Unable to set property 'title' of undefined or null reference.  I'm not sure how to correct this.  Any help would be appreciated.  Thank you.

Parents Reply
  • Gopikrishnan,

    Thank you for your help with this.  I guess I do not have access to the database to perform this.  When I try to select a database I receive an error message.

    faultstring:  at Aras.Tools.SolutionUpgrade.CItemHelper._getDBList(String url)

    faultdetail:  '=' is an unexpected token.  The expected token is ';'.  Line 180, position 116.

    faultcode: -98

    We are using Aras 11 SP10.
