Enterprise search queries

I have 3 questions here (Aras 12.3)

- What is the best way to stop File Indexing? I have installed File Processor already, should I go ahead and remove ES Indexed File from all Indexed Configuration item type or just stopping the File Crawler will do? How do I get rid of the files already indexed?

- I went with 1 Solr node on cluster, and 3 zookeepers. Best practice for Prod is to have more than one Solr nodes or one would suffice since we do not want Files?

- We have seen in our POC environment if we load a million parts, the indexing will take a week or so for all new items. We have a standalone Solr instance where we can do it in an hour for all the same properties. I was thinking if we can directly index Aras data by running something in Solr side and not wait for the ES agent?