Dynamic Workflow voting

I am using the following peice of code for dynamic voting of workflow : 

StringBuilder voteXml = new StringBuilder("");
voteXml.Append("<Item type=\"Activity\" action=\"EvaluateActivity\">");
voteXml.Append(" <Activity>{0}</Activity>");
voteXml.Append(" <ActivityAssignment>{1}</ActivityAssignment>");
voteXml.Append(" <Paths>");
voteXml.Append(" <Path id=\"{2}\">{3}</Path>");
voteXml.Append(" </Paths>");
voteXml.Append(" <DelegateTo>0</DelegateTo>");
voteXml.Append(" <Tasks />");
voteXml.Append(" <Variables />");
voteXml.Append(" <Authentication mode=\"\" />");
voteXml.Append(" <Comments>{4}</Comments>");
voteXml.Append(" <Complete>1</Complete>");

Item result = inno.newItem();
result.loadAML(String.Format(voteXml.ToString(), arrActivity[i], arrActivityAssignment[i], Path, Paths, "Done"));
result = result.apply();

However there are some validations on the pre transition method of an activity, as long as the validation passes the method runs fine. However in case of an error message , the respective workflow activity is getting closed (it is supposed to remain active).

Could someone please let me know why this is happening.


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