Add newly created ItemType in custom Category(TOC Access)


   I have imported a package with a custom solution which has an ItemType "New ItemType" in a Category1. But in this package I haven`t added the List "Categories" so when I imported it, there was no value "Category1", which is normal. Anyways somehow the category exists(only in the TOC not in the List of categories).

My question is how could I add to this category "Category1" a new ItemType "ItemType2" that I want to create? When I didn`t export the list "Categories" and so in it, it doesn`t exist the value "Category1". Should I create again this Category1 in the list "Categories" in order to add this new "ItemType2" to Category1?

I would appreciate any help! Thank you!



  • Hi Dara,

    The behavior you're seeing is interesting! I believe that since the "TOC Access" item exists as part of your exported ItemType, when the TOC is built, that "TOC Access" item is found and populated. 

    To answer your question, adding "category1" to your "Categories" list is your best bet. Without adding that item to the list, you won't be able to assign item2 to your new category, since you'll be unable to select it when assigning TOC Acess to ItemType2.


  • Ni AJ Sebastian,

    Thank you for the quick reply, appreciate it! If I do so, could I be able to export and import properly? Because I already tried this and when I import I get the following error:


    Import package ARAS.Solution.Simulation failed with message:

    <SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="">"><SOAP-ENV:Body><SOAP-ENV:Fault xmlns:af="">><faultstring><![CDATA[ITPresentationConfiguration already exists.]]></faultstring><detail><af:legacy_detail><![CDATA[ITPresentationConfiguration already exists.]]></af:legacy_detail><af:legacy_faultstring><![CDATA[Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint.]]></af:legacy_faultstring></detail></SOAP-ENV:Fault></SOAP-ENV:Body></SOAP-ENV:Envelope>
    Updating package to failed release status

    Thank you again!


  • Does this happen only when you add the updated "categories" list to your package?

  • I didn`t add it, because I considered that whenever I import it will happen the same as the first time(that even when I don`t have the List in my package, my "ItemType2" will be under "Category1").

    If I want to include the List in my package, how could I do it, taking into account that it is in a core package? If I export only the List would the core package import properly?

  • You are able to create a package with the same name as the core package, and only include the category list inside of it. This way when you run the package, the only thing which will be imported and overwritten is the categories list. Since everything else already exists, the rest of the package will remain unaffected.

    I just tested this, by exporting only the categories list from an environment. I was able to then import just the single categories list back into my database without issues. 


  • You are able to create a package with the same name as the core package, and only include the category list inside of it. This way when you run the package, the only thing which will be imported and overwritten is the categories list. Since everything else already exists, the rest of the package will remain unaffected.

    I just tested this, by exporting only the categories list from an environment. I was able to then import just the single categories list back into my database without issues. 


  • I exported the package core, I haven`t created a new package with the same name. I`m also exporting the custom package with my "New ItemType".

    Did you try to create a simple ItemType and assign it to a Category, then export this package along with the core package(with only List inside)?

    I just tested this and again the same error when importing. But when I import again(I change nothing, just click twice the import button) somehow it imports successfully.


  • Hi Dara,

    After doing some digging, I've learned that our practice for modifications to core is not what I outlined above. 

    I'll be writing a blog post about how to handle these types of situations in the coming weeks, but I'll write up a quick version to help you out. 

    What you'll want to do is export only the list Value. You can add the value to your custom package, and it will automatically get appended to your category list upon import.

    You'll have to manually add the relationship "Value" to your package definition, and inside of that PackageGroup, you can add your list values. You'll have to manually find the ID of the value item, which can be achieved by right clicking and opening the individual value item. 

    Here is an example of what one list value looks like within the PackageGroup.