Innovator 12 - Where will grid preview images be displayed?


I have reviewed the demo slides of Innovator 12 BETA and most of the ideas are great and go into the right direction. But there is one thing that really confuses me:

In the current Innovator main grid there is a 'Properties' columns near the TOC.  I know from other customers, that this column is not very popular and as far as I understand the slides, this column will be removed in Innovator 12. But I wonder were Aras now will show the grid preview image? The option to preview the thumbnail image in while searching in the main grid was the one big advantage of the 'Properties' column. 

Anybody knows something about this one?

Best regards!


  • Hi Angela,

    To the best of my knowledge, the change being made to the main grid is to simply make the Properties pane not visible by default. It is not being removed entirely. Users should still be able to enable this preview of either the Properties pane or the Form through a selector in the grid toolbar. 


    Christopher Gillis

    Aras Labs Software Engineer

  • Hi Chris,

    thanks for the information! Allowing the user to choose whether to use the properties pane or not is probably the best decision that Aras could make. Everyone should be happy with that!

    Alternatively, I have already tried to enlarge images in the maingrid as soon as you mark the respective thumbnail cell in the grid. It´s possible but we unfortunately have to change code tree files.

    But I think I so far underrated the preview option. By default it displays the standard form. This is fine for most ItemTypes, but in our case for Parts I would prefer if the preview shows only the most useful information. And it´s actually possible, cause I can create a customized form, that shows a more compact Part overview in the preview. I more and mroe like this idea.

    It´s probably a little bit of topic, but do you now if it is possible to change the size and maybe also position of the preview area? This way it could be used as an alternative properties pane. 


  • Hi Angela,

    It should be possible to change the stylings on the preview pane to change where in the UI it's displayed.

    The Form Preview and Properties Preview are contained in two separate HTML elements with their own separate stylings, so you can update the location of each of them as you see fit.

    Both the element for the properties pane and the element for the form preview pane is contained at the bottom of \Innovator\Client\scripts\itemsGrid.html . The CSS for the properties pane can be found in \Innovator\Client\styles\itemProperties.css and there doesn't seem to be a specific CSS file for the styling of the form preview.


    Christopher Gillis

    Aras Labs Software Engineer