Reverse Relationship Improve

Hi! I have a relationship named KBGF. I've created a reverse relationship between 2 Part item types. My question is this : How can I see the source part and the related parts in the reverse relationship tab by changing the parameters? ‘ITName=’+itemTypeName+’&itemID=’+itemID+’&reverseITName=Part&reverseRelationshipName=Part KBGF’ thanks  
  • Hello, It don't believe it's possible to achieve the result you're looking for only by changing the parameters you pass into the ReverseItemsGrid. If you're Aras Innovator 11.0 SP10 or later, I would recommend checking out this blog post for an example of building a Tree Grid View that could display this information. The example in the blog post demonstrates how to build a multi-level BOM, but you can just as easily build a query that does a reverse lookup. You will just need to select Add Related Item > Using Referencing Item... instead of the example in the blog. Chris
    Christopher Gillis Aras Labs Software Engineer
  • Hi Chris, unfortunately, we use SP9. Is there any other way in SP9? Otherwise, I think we have to upgrade it. thanks.  
  • Hi Duygu, While it's more difficult and involved than just creating a query definition, it is possible to create a custom ReverseItemsGrid.html. I do not have any samples to provide for this kind of modification, however. You can find the default grid in your code tree under \Innovator\Client\Solutions\PLM\scripts\ReverseItemsGrid.html in your code tree. Rather than modifying this file directly, I'd recommend making a copy of the file to make your changes in. Chris
    Christopher Gillis Aras Labs Software Engineer