Alternative views/forms for Parts


I want differents views for my ItemType "Part" depending the Type/Classification of the part. 

I added my views to the ItemType Parts and affected the correct classification to each view 

The form are geneated by Aras . For the test I only change the background color  of the form

When I create a new part, the correct Form is oppened  (Green background for Type PCB): 

BUT : when I click on Save Nothing is done !! 

I have to close the windows to see my Parts in the list 

And re-open the part and then I can save it. 

In the log on the server i saw that the ApplyItem  action is not called .

What is wrong in my customization of the ItemType ? 

  • Tanks  for your Reply, but the problem is not fixed with the Type set to 'Default'

    I made a other test : 

    - I dupplicated the default form Part to Part_pcb WITHOUT CHANGE

    - I had the Part_pcb to the itemType Part with Classifiction 'PCB'

    And the behavior is the same : i can't save or delete the part  : all the top buttons are inactive ?  

    Is somebody reproduct this 'bug' ? 

  • Tanks  for your Reply, but the problem is not fixed with the Type set to 'Default'

    I made a other test : 

    - I dupplicated the default form Part to Part_pcb WITHOUT CHANGE

    - I had the Part_pcb to the itemType Part with Classifiction 'PCB'

    And the behavior is the same : i can't save or delete the part  : all the top buttons are inactive ?  

    Is somebody reproduct this 'bug' ? 

  • Do you copied fields link to any data source? I am not sure, but it may happen that the data source connection is erased after copy. 

    As alternative, you could test to delete an reinsert one of the fields. 

  • Yes all the fields in the copied form have a datasource. 

    I don't think the problem is the form because if I associed the "copied form" as default without Classification  like this

    it works when I create a new part without classification. 

    I bug appears when I create a new part with a Classification not null . 

    I'm  joining  the log file  of the creation of a part name testlog2 if that help you and me!!) 

    <event time="2021-01-05 16:17:44Z" reason="soap_action" TickCount="339229408" dt="0" message="ApplyItem" />
    <event time="2021-01-05 16:17:44Z" reason="requestDom" TickCount="339229408" dt="0" />
    <SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="">">
    <Item isNew="1" isTemp="1" type="Document" action="get" select="major_rev" orderBy="generation desc">
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    <SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="">">
    <SOAP-ENV:Fault xmlns:af="">">
    <faultstring><![CDATA[No items of type Document found.]]></faultstring>
    <af:legacy_detail><![CDATA[No items of type Document found.]]></af:legacy_detail>
    <af:legacy_faultstring><![CDATA[No items of type 'Document' found using the criteria:
    <Item isNew="1" isTemp="1" type="Document" action="get" select="major_rev" orderBy="generation desc"><item_number>testlog2</item_number><generation condition="like">*</generation><is_released>1</is_released></Item>
    <event time="2021-01-05 16:17:44Z" reason="soap_action" TickCount="339229612" dt="0" message="ApplyItem" />
    <event time="2021-01-05 16:17:44Z" reason="requestDom" TickCount="339229627" dt="15" />
    <SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="">">
    <Item isNew="1" isTemp="1" type="Part" action="get" id="D41AECF779EF41CF9319D3D359852394" select="xp-*(@permission_id)" />
    <event time="2021-01-05 16:17:44Z" reason="Aras.DerivedRelationships.Synchronization" TickCount="339229627" dt="0" message="&#xD;&#xA;before call of ProcessNode&#xD;&#xA;Working Set&#xD;&#xA;Qual_Item;orig_root_set;new_root_set;predecessors;successors;orig_succs&#xD;&#xA;" />
    <event time="2021-01-05 16:17:44Z" reason="performance" TickCount="339229627" dt="0" message="15" />
    <event time="2021-01-05 16:17:44Z" reason="responseDom" TickCount="339229627" dt="0" />
    <SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="">">
    <SOAP-ENV:Fault xmlns:af="">">
    <faultstring><![CDATA[No items of type Part found.]]></faultstring>
    <af:legacy_detail><![CDATA[No items of type Part found.]]></af:legacy_detail>
    <af:legacy_faultstring><![CDATA[No items of type 'Part' found using the criteria:
    <Item isNew="1" isTemp="1" type="Part" action="get" id="D41AECF779EF41CF9319D3D359852394" select="xp-*(@permission_id)" />
    <event time="2021-01-05 16:28:33Z" reason="soap_action" TickCount="339877815" dt="78" message="ApplyItem" />
    <event time="2021-01-05 16:28:33Z" reason="requestDom" TickCount="339877815" dt="0" />
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