Adding "TP_Image" from Server side methods throws "Cannot Insert Value Null into Column" exception

Hi All,

Please help me,

I'm trying to add Technical document Graphic Item using server side code as below

Innovator inn=this.getInnovator();
Item ite=inn.newItem("tp_Image","add");
ite.setProperty("thumbnail", "vault:///?fileId=63D43D90CE604A9DB6DCAC23816ECD73");
return this;

When I run above method I'm getting exception as 

Cannot insert the value NULL into column 'SRC', table 'InnovatorSolutions_12sp6.innovator.TP_IMAGE'; column does not allow nulls. INSERT fails.
The statement has been terminated. in SQL: INSERT INTO [TP_IMAGE] ( [CONFIG_ID],[CREATED_BY_ID],[CREATED_ON],[CURRENT_STATE],[EFFECTIVE_DATE],[GENERATION],[ID],[IS_CURRENT],[IS_RELEASED],[KEYED_NAME],[LOCKED_BY_ID],[MAJOR_REV],[MANAGED_BY_ID],[MODIFIED_BY_ID],[MODIFIED_ON],[NAME],[NEW_VERSION],[NOT_LOCKABLE],[OWNED_BY_ID],[PERMISSION_ID],[RELEASE_DATE],[SRC],[STATE],[SUPERSEDED_DATE],[TEAM_ID],[ITEM_NUMBER] ) VALUES ( @p0,@p1,@p2,@p3,@p4,@p5,@p6,@p7,@p8,@p9,@p10,@p11,@p12,@p13,@p14,@p15,@p16,@p17,@p18,@p19,@p20,@p21,@p22,@p23,@p24,@p25 )

Can anyone help me on this?. Thanks in advance

  • tp_image don´t use the 'thumbnail' property. The property has a different name, it´s simply called src.

    Please beware: The 2d-image handling in Innovator right now has fundamental bugs. If you use to many vaulted tp_images, your server will crash. Please write to Aras to support a fix of this fundamental bug. 

  • tp_image don´t use the 'thumbnail' property. The property has a different name, it´s simply called src.

    Please beware: The 2d-image handling in Innovator right now has fundamental bugs. If you use to many vaulted tp_images, your server will crash. Please write to Aras to support a fix of this fundamental bug. 
