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DEVELOPERS FORUM - Create new Project via C#/Aras API

bry422 - Tuesday, September 20, 2016 3:37 PM:

Hello -

Can someone give me a walk through of what I need to do to create a Project in Aras via C# using the Aras API?

As of now, I get an error telling me the "WBS_ID" is null when I try to create a project. I think there is a Project - Project Tree relationship and I'm not sure how to set the "WBS_ID" on Project create (or anything else I need to do).

I can share code if necessary, but any help would be appreciated.




bry422 - Wednesday, September 21, 2016 11:23 AM:

This does NOT work. Not ever sure how close I am.

Create the WBS...

Item mWBS = inn.newItem("WBS Element", "add");

mWBS.setProperty("name", "Test Project");

mWBS.setProperty("is_top", "1");

Item wbs = mWBS.apply();


Use the WBS ID when creating the Project...

Item mProject = inn.newItem("Project", "add");

mProject.setProperty("wbs_id", wbs.getID());

Item result = mProject.apply();

edonahue - Wednesday, September 21, 2016 2:06 PM:

Hi Bryan,

I don't have any sample code for creating a Project via a server-side method, but I believe Aras Support may be able to provide more information. I recommend contacting the Support team for assistance with your use case.