How to set users not to modify nor delete when an item of Process Plan is in released state


I would like to know how to set users not to modify nor delete when a item in process Plan is in released state. I'm working on Aras V12.0.


  • Hi Venkatsai,

    This can be achieved by modifying the life cycle of the process plan ItemType. Below is an example of the lifecycle for part, and you can do something similair to the process plan.

    Basically on the "released" state you'll have to add a new permissions set to the "state permissions" property. This should accomplish what you're looking for.


  • Hi Venkatsai,

    This can be achieved by modifying the life cycle of the process plan ItemType. Below is an example of the lifecycle for part, and you can do something similair to the process plan.

    Basically on the "released" state you'll have to add a new permissions set to the "state permissions" property. This should accomplish what you're looking for.

