Sort Order of property in the relationship Item


I have created an ItemType  which is linked  to a relationship (attachment).

I have added a property in the relationship ItemType (File Name). So when i create a new item the File Name will be shown in the last column on the relationship tab.

My Question is how to get the File Name in the first Column, any help please ?

  • Hi Mouad,

    In your relationship item type where u created (File Name) as a property for that property u can set Sort order which should be lowest in comparison with other properties sort order. once u set the sort order for your (File Name) u will able to see (File Name)  as first column in your relationship tab.

  • Just to add to PoonamS comment, as the Grid View on Relationship Type is Intermix, make sure that sort order for File Name is lowest among all properties displayed on relationship grid (irrespective of related item properties or relationship item properties)