SAFe Portal

The DemoSeries SAFe Portal session was great.

Lots of great functionality there. As a scrum-in-Aras proponent for several years, it's great to see a new implementation. But where to get started? In my experience the hard work of being Agile is stated in the manifesto, "we prefer people and interactions over processes and tools." Once scrum team discipline is established you can benefit from more elaborate things, like burn down charts and drag and drop scrum boards, later.


In answer to the question "When can we start using it? " Crystal suggested "create your own ItemTypes." So here is a suggestion. Take just the Issue ItemType, with a few changes so that it can stand alone, and publish it as a community solution. The benefits of this will be:

  • people can get started on their Aras Agile journey
  • community use can be merged with whatever products may be released whenever
  • small projects that don't need the scale of SAFe, or whose focus  is different from product development can maximize the work not done


Using Innovator to facilitate scrum work for Aras practitioners is great because

  • you already know the tool, nothing to learn or pay for
  • no need to switch tools while you work, driving higher use
  • you can configure it to meet your needs


What is the downside for a community solution?