How to add an external URL attached to the CAD document properties (column)?

I would like to add an additional column for my CAD documents that I can link to external URL. 

Examples URL link to the CAD PDM. 

I hope to keep 2d drawing in PDF only in the database but all the native CAD drawing stored in the PDM. 

Could anyone teach me how to do this?

I am very new, using Aras.

Appreciate if you could indicate the step in more details.

Thank you!


  • Hi Magga,

    I recommend you to visit the configuring solution training course (it´s worth the money) where you learn these kind of stuff in detail. Your task is not hard to achieve, it´s just a lot of tiny little steps necessary.

    You have to add a new custom property to the "ItemType" CAD, which you can find in the Administrator section in the TOC.
    You also has to add your custom property to the "Form" CAD.
    Ensure to use a custom marker for your own property, e.g. call your property "_url" or use a prefix that identifies your company.

    Please notice, that it´s right now not possible to do real hyperlinks in properties. There are some workaround described in this forum, but I wouldn´t recommend them to people new at Aras.

  • It seems that the answer is already here but I do recommend the things that you can take a look at. I hope that there are some aspects that have been talked about there are courses online that have been very helpful. Seeing that there are options when it comes to this kind of thing but there are a lot of pieces that have been very helpful with the things that are being taught. Hopefully, there are some aspects that can be seen given that there are people who can be talked about this kind of thing which is cool.

  • Thanks Angelalp, naotoyoshida64 and geometrydash. 

    I have find the way to add the custom property and update the form. 

    The only thing that I fail is to assign hyperlink behavior on the property added. Seem it is out of my capability now.

    Appreciate your recommendation on the online course. It will require my company to approve for the course request. Thanks!

  • Hi Magga,

    don´t question your capability just because you weren´t able to do the real hyperlink behavior. The reason is actual pretty simple: It´s right now not possible in Innovator to do these kind of 'real' hyperlinks at all as there is no default solution available.

    There are only a couple of workaround, like seen here:

    Best regards!


  • Hi Angelap,

    Thanks for the information provided. 

    I have managed to create a hyperlink by HTML method on the form.

    Assume I have a custom variable property under item type, call “file name”

    The location of the file always the same which is at '’

    HTML script as below



    var thisItem = document.thisItem;

    var id= thisItem.getProperty("file_name","");


    window.onload = function()


        document.getElementById('url').href += id;




    <a href='' id='url' target="_blank">Click to access file </a>
