Saved Search

I have the following criteria specified for a Saved Search. Unfortunately it returns/displays all default Document columns (50+). Was hoping it would just return and display the columns specified in the Saved Search criteria. Am I doing it wrong? <Item type="Document" action="get" page="1" pagesize="500" maxRecords="" select="project,doc_no,description,source,reference,doctype"><doctype condition="eq">Manual</doctype></Item>  
  • Ah ok! Of course for a view-only use case you don´t need to take care for the UI elements.

    Your colleague I met was the same that presented the original onGet idea. So I was happy that he liked the CUI concept.

    Some remarks: I currently use the following version of the above code, as the original version can produce a few strange side effects in certain scenarios

    this.setAttribute("type", "Document");
    Item res = this.apply("get");
      return this;

    return res;

  • I can confirm that the onGet Method will also work for relationships. But I would recommed the version I posted above. But of course I would be happy to hear about experiences from others. In our environment the original version used in a Part relationship produced some problems in MPP. It wasn´t possible to drag'n'drop Parts in the Process Plan anymore, as the MPP somehow tried to read the federated content, but failed.