MPP with multiple Itemtypes



I have a use case where I wanted to be able to use the MPP module to create process plans for more than one itemtype, ex. some process plans are based on parts and some are based on another itemtype. Is this possible? I know that you can use a custom itemtype instead of parts but as far as I understand it, you replace parts with your custom itemtype as the produced object of the process plan. Can you have multiple options at the same time?



Parents Reply
  • Hi Rick,

    That's an interesting use case! I've passed this request along, and I'll reply here if I hear any updates on it. :) 

    One thing that might satisfy your use case for the time being is to add a new classification(s) to Part that would be used for "generic items". Classifications can have their own Forms, Properties, etc., so you could likely do most if not all of what you're looking for with that approach.


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