Open Files properties form?

I've created a relationship between an itemtype and files. I added custom attributes in the relationship to extend the standard file attributes. When I double click on the file in the relationship grid it opens by default. How do I change this behavior to instead open a form to view/edit attributes associated with the file? Haven't been able to create a view or frm anywhere relevant, and for File Item Type I get the msg: have insufficient permissions to perform ‘update’ operation...
  • Hi bdc604, In Aras Innovator, the File ItemType is immutable. It's more of a container than a traditional ItemType that can be viewed in a form or updated via AML. That's why you get an error when trying to update the File itself. Angela's proposed solution should allow you to view the relationship with your custom properties. Eli
    Eli Donahue Aras Labs Software Engineer
  • Hi bdc604, In Aras Innovator, the File ItemType is immutable. It's more of a container than a traditional ItemType that can be viewed in a form or updated via AML. That's why you get an error when trying to update the File itself. Angela's proposed solution should allow you to view the relationship with your custom properties. Eli
    Eli Donahue Aras Labs Software Engineer
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