PopUp Item Type

I want to popup an Item Type X. That Item Type has a RelationshipType "Y" , so in that popup we have a tab "Y". That Y has a list of items (well filled) The popup is well, the only issue is the dropbox search is empty . If I create it as not being a popup, the search options are filled and ok. Can you give me a tip? The popup is being created : var width = 820; var height = 650; var selectedItem = getXData(_this.getProperty("id", "")); var itemType = selectedItem.getAttribute("type"); var itemTypeNode = aras.getItemTypeDictionary(itemType).node; var mainWnd = aras.getMostTopWindowWithAras(window); var params = { title: "Update " + _this.getProperty("keyed_name", ""), aras: aras, item: selectedItem.node, Item: mainWnd.Item, isEditMode: true, itemID: selectedItem.getID(), itemTypeName: itemType, keyed_name: aras.getKeyedNameEx(selectedItem), noTabs: false, opener: mainWnd, itemType: itemTypeNode, itemTypeLabel: aras.getItemProperty(itemTypeNode, "label"), scriptsURL: aras.getScriptsURL(), dbName: aras.getDatabase(), dialogWidth: width, dialogHeight: height, resizable: true, toolbar: 0, tabsToDisable: [], content: "../Solutions/Project/scripts/modalViewEdit.html"}; mainWnd.ArasModules.MaximazableDialog.show('iframe', params).promise.then(callback);    
  • Hi Prada, Is ItemType X the Activity2 ItemType, or a custom ItemType you created? The modalViewEdit.html file is specifically created for the Project Activity completion dialog, so that may be why you are not seeing the correct behavior in the relationship grid. If you just want to open an Aras item form in a new window, you can use the following code:
    var myItem = <item you want to open>;
    aras.uiShowItemEx(myItem.node, "tab view", true);
    Hope this helps! Eli
    Eli Donahue Aras Labs Software Engineer
  • Hi Prada, Is ItemType X the Activity2 ItemType, or a custom ItemType you created? The modalViewEdit.html file is specifically created for the Project Activity completion dialog, so that may be why you are not seeing the correct behavior in the relationship grid. If you just want to open an Aras item form in a new window, you can use the following code:
    var myItem = <item you want to open>;
    aras.uiShowItemEx(myItem.node, "tab view", true);
    Hope this helps! Eli
    Eli Donahue Aras Labs Software Engineer
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