Editable search grids and Poly Items that are Relationship Items


Hi Community,

Recent releases of Aras have enabled editable search grids. Is it possible to use this on poly item types? My use case is a little unique so let me explain -

I am looking to create a dashboard of tasks which are relationship items. The poly item type contains all these relationship items and relevant properties. There are a few properties I need to edit and it would be nice to be able to do so from the grid without opening the source item (which is one of the poly items properties so it is essentially an extra few clicks to get to).

Any advice?

  • Hi community,

    without ever having tested this one I would say - no.

    Polyitems itself aren´t real items. They just linked together other existing data. If you take a look at polyitems on database level, they aren´t a table but a function.

    But that doesn´t mean that what you want to do is impossible. But you probably have to replace the original used action elements with custom ones that bypass the PolyItem ItemType. 

  • 0 オフライン in reply to AngelaIp

    So I've done some more testing on this, and Poly Items are editable... it's the fact that the items in my grid are relationship items that makes them un-editable.

    The idea is that I have a list of relationship items that represent tasks and I need to be able to set priority in the grid. I think I may just try and use an action from the grid for this.

  • 0 オフライン in reply to AngelaIp

    So I've done some more testing on this, and Poly Items are editable... it's the fact that the items in my grid are relationship items that makes them un-editable.

    The idea is that I have a list of relationship items that represent tasks and I need to be able to set priority in the grid. I think I may just try and use an action from the grid for this.

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