
Add Log Off Function


  • This project provides a function implements a "log off" function for end users.
  • A log off icon is added to the toolbar at the top of the screen, which logs out the user and reloads the login screen.
  • Until now, when switching between DB information and login user information, it was necessary to log out from Aras Innovator, but by using this log off function, it's possible to log out and start up the browser. The trouble of displaying the Aras Innovator login page is eliminated, and efficiency is improved in development and testing.


  • This project provides a function implements a "log off" function for end users.
  • A log off icon is added to the toolbar at the top of the screen, which logs out the user and reloads the login screen.
  • Until now, when switching between DB information and login user information, it was necessary to log out from Aras Innovator, but by using this log off function, it's possible to log out and start up the browser. The trouble of displaying the Aras Innovator login page is eliminated, and efficiency is improved in development and testing.


  • Aras Innovatorの開発者・ユーザー側の視点に立っての機能として、「ログオフ」機能を実装してい ます。
  • 画面上部のツールバーに「ログオフ」のアイコンを新規に追加し、クリックすることでログイン画面に 戻る ことができます。
  • 今までは、DB情報や、ログインユーザ情報を切り替える際に、一度Aras Innovatorから 「ログアウ ト」する必要がありましたが、 この「ログオフ」機能を用いれば、「ログアウト」→「ブラウザ立ち 上げ」→「 Aras Innovatorログインページの表示」の手間が無くなり、 開発やテストを行う上で効率が上がります。


Author: NEOSYSTEM Co., Ltd.

Organization: NEOSYSTEM Co., Ltd.

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