
Workflow Utilities

  • New version 3-0. This Add-On Package adds functionality to complement the standard workflows features (see Reame.txt for details)
  • Toolbar button of Workflow History Form to view the Workflow Process directly from the "SignOffs" tab.
  • Logic to use placeholder identities on WF activities that get resolved according to configurable rules.
  • Logic to change WF Activities’ permissions to allow "adhoc" Workflow Assignments.
  • A "single Review Express DCO Workflow" and "Express Team DCO Workflow" that can be used instead of the standard workflow.
  • Sample code to show how to save data from Workflow activities to the item connected to the workflow process.
  • Logic to "clone" an activity when you loop to it again so you can still add different "ad-hoc" assignments. The "Team Review Express DCO" workflow has an example how to use this logic.
  • A separate package with a custom(sample) Workflow using WF Utilities to show how to programmatically instantiate a workflow.

Author: Rolf Laudenbach

Organization: Aras Corporation

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