How to Convert Item Type from Non versionable to Versionable


Hello All..

I have Item Type "A" which is not a versionable initially. Created around 1000 records for this item type and now I need to create revisions to this and edited Item type to "Versionable". While trying to edit item type, it gives error as below.

Support of "none" versioning discipline for items is not implemented. 

Am surprised that, do Aras have no possiblity to change non version item type to versionable??

Thanks & Regards,

Super A.

  • Valid for v12 SP16 the following steps worked for me but are a bit painful.

    1. Open the Itemtype you wish to make versionable

    2. Click to Edit the ItemType

    3. Check the Versionable Box

    4. Open up the Developer Console and use the element selector to find the Discipline Textbox in the raw HTML.  It will be called something like <input class="aras-filter-list__input aras-form-input"..../> two of the properties in that xml entry will be "readonly" and "disabled"

    5. Click to edit the HTML and delete the entries:

    readonly="" and disabled=""

    from the xml block identifed.

    6. Type in "Automatic" into the Discipline field in your normal browser.

    7. Save the Itemtype.

    Edit - below steps worked for me twice ?!? but never again so clearly something else was done..

    1. Open the ItemType you wish to make versionable
    2. Click to Edit the ItemType
    3. Check the Versionable box
    4. Open the Revisions menu and in Versioning and re-select the Revisions of choice (in my case I left as Default)
    5. Post step-4 the Disicipline box became editable and I was able to select Automatic
    6. Save the ItemType.
  • Valid for v12 SP16 the following steps worked for me but are a bit painful.

    1. Open the Itemtype you wish to make versionable

    2. Click to Edit the ItemType

    3. Check the Versionable Box

    4. Open up the Developer Console and use the element selector to find the Discipline Textbox in the raw HTML.  It will be called something like <input class="aras-filter-list__input aras-form-input"..../> two of the properties in that xml entry will be "readonly" and "disabled"

    5. Click to edit the HTML and delete the entries:

    readonly="" and disabled=""

    from the xml block identifed.

    6. Type in "Automatic" into the Discipline field in your normal browser.

    7. Save the Itemtype.

    Edit - below steps worked for me twice ?!? but never again so clearly something else was done..

    1. Open the ItemType you wish to make versionable
    2. Click to Edit the ItemType
    3. Check the Versionable box
    4. Open the Revisions menu and in Versioning and re-select the Revisions of choice (in my case I left as Default)
    5. Post step-4 the Disicipline box became editable and I was able to select Automatic
    6. Save the ItemType.
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